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Revo Uninstaller Pro supports command line options and has a command processor: RevoCmd.exe.

RevoCmd.exe can be used to list installed programs on a computer. It can be used to list programs by a part of their name, and it can also show the installation location and the uninstall command of a program, which can be then used to start its built-in uninstaller.

If your Revo Uninstaller Pro is installed in the default folder (C:\Program Files\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller Pro), you should navigate to the folder in the Command prompt window using the following command: cd /d “C:\Program Files\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller Pro” Press “Enter” to execute the command.

RevoCmd /m “program name” [/i] [/u] [/p] /m – match program name using wildcard characters – * and ? The asterisk (*) wildcard represents any collection of characters The question mark (?) wildcard represents any single character

Example: RevoCmd /m Microso* Shows all programs beginning with the name Microso

/i – Include Install Location if it exists /u – include uninstallation command /p – pause on each page /? or /help – this help

Some Revo Uninstaller Pro operations can be executed from a command line. Supported command line operations and their arguments are:
  • Regular Uninstall – you can uninstall programs listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro. The uninstall process does not start the built-in uninstaller of the selected program. It will, instead, automatically delete Registry entries, files, and folders found as leftovers and created by the program.
    RevoUninPro /mu “Program name” /path “Full program path” /mode “uninstall mode” /32 where the parameters are: /mu – exact name of the program, as it is listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro. /path – full path to the program’s installation folder. The path must not end with a backslash character (\). /mode – mode of the uninstallation – Safe, Moderate, or Advanced. /32 or /64 – depending if the program is 32-bit or 64-bit.

    Example: RevoUninPro /mu “Yahoo Toolbar” /path “C:\Program Files\Yahoo Toolbar” /mode Moderate /32

  • Traced Uninstall – you can uninstall a traced program using the name of its trace log. The uninstall process reverts all logged system changes.
    RevoUninPro /tu “Log name” where the parameters are: /tu – exact name of the log file, as you have saved it after tracing the program’s installation, i.e. as it is listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro.

    Example: RevoUninPro /tu “Yahoo Toolbar”

  • Export – you can export the lists of all installed programs and all traced programs. All details/properties are included in the exported files.
    RevoUninPro /export “Full export path” /all /traced /txt /xls /html where the parameters are: /export – full path to the export file, and where the exported information will be stored. /all – export the “All Programs” list. /traced – export the “Traced Programs” list. /txt – export the information in a text file (.txt). /html – export the information in an HTML file (.html). /xls – export the information in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls).

    Note: To export installed programs to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet you must have Microsoft Excel installed and correctly working.

    Example: RevoUninPro /export “C:\My data\allprograms.txt” /all /txt

  • Windows App Uninstall – you can uninstall one or more Windows Apps listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro. The uninstall process starts the built-in uninstall procedure of the selected App, then automatically scans for and deletes Registry entries, files, and folders found as leftovers.
    RevoUninPro /wa “App1;App2” where the parameters are: /wa – exact name of the App(s), as listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro, separated by a semicolon (“;”) if more than one.

    Example: RevoUninPro /wa “TikTok;Lively Wallpaper”

  • Browser Extension Uninstall – you can remove one or more browser extensions listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro.
    RevoUninPro /be “BrowserExt1;BrowserExt2” /ie /edge /chrome /firefox /opera “ProfileName” where the parameters are: /be – exact name of the browser extension(s), as listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro, separated by a semicolon (“;”) if more than one. /ie /edge /chrome /firefox /opera – the browser, to which the extension(s) belong(s). “ProfileName” – the name of the profile, under which the extension(s) is/are installed; if no profile name is entered, the default one is used.

    Example: RevoUninPro /be “Tab Mix;BuiltWith” /firefox “Tester”

  • Update Revo Uninstaller Pro – you can initiate a silent update of Revo Uninstaller Pro.

    RevoUninPro /update /silent

  • Hunter Mode – you can start Revo Uninstaller Pro in Hunter Mode.

    RevoUninPro /hunter

Revo Uninstaller Pro supports command line options and has a command processor: RevoCmd.exe.

RevoCmd.exe can be used to list installed programs on a computer. It can be used to list programs by a part of their name, and it can also show the installation location and the uninstall command of a program, which can be then used to start its built-in uninstaller.

If your Revo Uninstaller Pro Portable’s folder is located on drive F, or the USB drive is labeled as drive F, and your version of Windows is 64-bit, you should navigate to the folder in the Command prompt window using the following command: cd /d “F:\RevoUninstallerPro_Portable\x64” Press “Enter” to execute the command.

RevoCmd /m “program name” [/i] [/u] [/p] /m – match program name using wildcard characters – * and ? The asterisk (*) wildcard represents any collection of characters The question mark (?) wildcard represents any single character

Example: RevoCmd /m Microso* Shows all programs beginning with the name Microso

/i – Include Install Location if it exists /u – include uninstallation command /p – pause on each page /? or /help – this help

Some Revo Uninstaller Pro operations can be executed from a command line. Supported command line operations and their arguments are:
  • Regular Uninstall – you can uninstall programs listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro. The uninstall process does not start the built-in uninstaller of the selected program. It will, instead, automatically delete Registry entries, files, and folders found as leftovers and created by the program.
    RevoUnPro /mu “Program name” /path “Full program path” /mode “uninstall mode” /32 where the parameters are: /mu – exact name of the program, as it is listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro. /path – full path to the program’s installation folder. The path must not end with a backslash character (\). /mode – mode of the uninstallation – Safe, Moderate, or Advanced. /32 or /64 – depending if the program is 32-bit or 64-bit.

    Example: RevoUninPro /mu “Yahoo Toolbar” /path “C:\Program Files\Yahoo Toolbar” /mode Moderate /32

  • Traced Uninstall – you can uninstall a traced program using the name of its trace log. The uninstall process reverts all logged system changes.
    RevoUnPro /tu “Log name” where the parameters are: /tu – exact name of the log file, as you have saved it after tracing the program’s installation, i.e. as it is listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro.

    Example: RevoUnPro /tu “Yahoo Toolbar”

  • Export – you can export the lists of all installed programs and all traced programs. All details/properties are included in the exported files.
    RevoUnPro /export “Full export path” /all /traced /txt /xls /html where the parameters are: /export – full path to the export file, and where the exported information will be stored. /all – export the “All Programs” list. /traced – export the “Traced Programs” list. /txt – export the information in a text file (.txt). /html – export the information in an HTML file (.html). /xls – export the information in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls).

    Note: To export installed programs to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet you must have Microsoft Excel installed and correctly working.

    Example: RevoUnPro /export “C:\My data\allprograms.txt” /all /txt

  • Windows App Uninstall – you can uninstall one or more Windows Apps listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro. The uninstall process starts the built-in uninstall procedure of the selected App, then automatically scans for and deletes Registry entries, files, and folders found as leftovers.
    RevoUnPro /wa “App1;App2” where the parameters are: /wa – exact name of the App(s), as listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro, separated by a semicolon (“;”) if more than one.

    Example: RevoUnPro /wa “TikTok;Lively Wallpaper”

  • Browser Extension Uninstall – you can remove one or more browser extensions listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro.
    RevoUnPro /be “BrowserExt1;BrowserExt2” /ie /edge /chrome /firefox /opera “ProfileName” where the parameters are: /be – exact name of the browser extension(s), as listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro, separated by a semicolon (“;”) if more than one. /ie /edge /chrome /firefox /opera – the browser, to which the extension(s) belong(s). “ProfileName” – the name of the profile, under which the extension(s) is/are installed; if no profile name is entered, the default one is used.

    Example: RevoUnPro /be “Tab Mix;BuiltWith” /firefox “Tester”

  • Update Revo Uninstaller Pro – you can initiate a silent update of Revo Uninstaller Pro.

    RevoUnPro /update /silent

  • Hunter Mode – you can start Revo Uninstaller Pro in Hunter Mode.

    RevoUnPro /hunter